Shooting Range Rules


Present in all shooting ranges anywhere, including the shooting range Ohio are the following Range Rules that you have to read, adopt, and acknowledge before you can conduct your shooting session. The future revisions (or updates) to these rules will also need your acknowledgement. 

Shooting ranges may have some differences in some parts, but most could be location-specific and apply only to the shooting ranges in those areas. However, the bulk of these rules are universally the same among shooting and gun aficionados who all use the shooting range Ohio. 

All shooters are expected to know, adhere to, and help enforce these Range Rules. If you observe a violation of these Range Rules, always notify persons in authority for the corrective action. 

Here they are, in diminishing order, but all of them are very important and are applicable to most shooting range Ohio facilities. 

01. Safety is our first and most important rule – please be safe at all times!

02. Always keep the firearm pointed in a safe direction. All firearms should be pointed down  

      Range at all times – control your muzzle.

03. Always keep your finger off the trigger until ready to shoot.

04. Always keep the firearm unloaded until ready to use.

05. The shooting range reserves the right to inspect all Firearms, Ammunition, and Range

      Bags at any time.

06. If you have a jammed or malfunctioning firearm, place the gun on the shooting bench

      with the muzzle pointed downrange. Then, ask range personnel for assistance. DO NOT


07. All firearms moved between shooting lanes must be UNLOADED, with the ACTION OPEN,


08. Do not hand a loaded firearm to another person. Place the firearm on the shooting  

      bench and allow them to pick the firearm up from the bench.

09. Shooting ranges recommends only one (1) firearm at a time be uncased at the shooting

      station. This is just a recommendation to reduce confusion with different ammunition


10. Commands issued by Range Staff must be followed immediately. When the command

      CEASE FIRE is given: STOP SHOOTING immediately and REMOVE your finger from the  

      trigger; keep the gun POINTED DOWN RANGE; and WAIT for further instructions from

      Range Staff.

11. Tracer, armor piercing, steel, and military surplus ammo is not allowed on the range.

      Use only the correct ammunition for your firearm. Factory ammunition is preferred. Hand

      loaded ammunition must adhere to manufacturer specification. NO HOT LOADS will be

      permitted. NO ALUMINUM or STEEL CASED ammunition. Range Staff may deny the use of

      non-factory ammo at any time.

12. Do not place brass cartridge cases in trash cans. We Recycle. Place trash and debris in

      the appropriate labeled receptacle.

13. You may only collect your own brass cartridge cases. Do Not collect any brass forward  

      of the firing line.

14. Unaccompanied shooters must be at least 21 years of age to shoot a handgun and 18

      years of age to shoot a long gun. All shooters under the age of 18 must be accompanied

      by a Parent / Legal Guardian at all times on the range. 

There are other range rules and the first four rules are the most important for everyone’s safety using a shooting range.


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